The DHCP_BIND_ELEMENT_ARRAY structure defines an array of DHCP_BIND_ELEMENT (section structures. This contains an array of IPv4 interface bindings over which the DHCP server receives DHCP packets. The first member contains the number of IPv4 interface bindings present, and the second member points to the array of interface bindings over which the DHCP server is receiving DHCP packets.

 typedef struct _DHCP_BIND_ELEMENT_ARRAY {
   DWORD NumElements;
   [size_is(NumElements)] LPDHCP_BIND_ELEMENT Elements;

NumElements: This is of type DWORD and specifies the number of interface bindings listed in the subsequent field the Elements member.

Elements: This is a pointer to an array of type DHCP_BIND_ELEMENT (section structure and of length NumElements that contains information about the interface bindings of a DHCP server.