The DHCP_MCAST_MIB_INFO structure contains counter values for all multicast scopes defined on the MADCAP server. This structure is used in R_DhcpGetMCastMibInfo (section method which retrieves statistics on multicast scopes defined on the MADCAP server.
typedef struct _DHCP_MCAST_MIB_INFO { DWORD Discovers; DWORD Offers; DWORD Requests; DWORD Renews; DWORD Acks; DWORD Naks; DWORD Releases; DWORD Informs; DATE_TIME ServerStartTime; DWORD Scopes; [size_is(Scopes)] LPMSCOPE_MIB_INFO ScopeInfo; } DHCP_MCAST_MIB_INFO, *LPDHCP_MCAST_MIB_INFO;
Discovers: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of DHCPDISCOVER messages [RFC2131] received by the MADCAP server from MADCAP clients.
Offers: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of DHCPOFFER messages sent by the MADCAP server to the MADCAP client.
Requests: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of DHCPREQUEST messages received by the MADCAP server from MADCAP clients.
Renews: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of DHCPRENEW messages received by the MADCAP server from MADCAP clients.
Acks: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of DHCPACK messages sent by the MADCAP server to the MADCAP client.
Naks: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of DHCPNAK messages sent by the MADCAP server to MADCAP clients.
Releases: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of DHCPRELEASE messages received by the MADCAP server from the MADCAP client.
Informs: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of DHCPINFORM messages received by the MADCAP server from the MADCAP client.
ServerStartTime: This is of type DATE_TIME (section, containing the start time of the MADCAP server.
Scopes: This is of type DWORD, containing the number of IPv4 multicast scopes configured on the current MADCAP server. This field defines the number of IPv4 multicast scopes in the subsequent field ScopeInfo.
ScopeInfo: This is a pointer to an array of MSCOPE_MIB_INFO (section structures of length Scopes that contains information about the IPv4 scopes configured on the MADCAP server.