The DHCP_SUBNET_INFO_V6 structure contains information about an IPv6 subnet. This structure is used in the R_DhcpCreateSubnetV6 (section method.

 typedef struct _DHCP_SUBNET_INFO_V6 {
   DHCP_IPV6_ADDRESS SubnetAddress;
   ULONG Prefix;
   USHORT Preference;
   LPWSTR SubnetName;
   LPWSTR SubnetComment;
   DWORD State;
   DWORD ScopeId;

SubnetAddress: This is of type DHCP_IPV6_ADDRESS (section structure, specifying the IPv6 prefix.

Prefix: This is of type ULONG, specifying the prefix length of the IPv6 prefix.

Preference: This is of type USHORT, specifying the preference for the IPv6 prefix specified by SubnetAddress.

SubnetName: A pointer, of type LPWSTR, to a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the IPv6 prefix. There is no restriction on the length of this Unicode string.

SubnetComment: A pointer, of type LPWSTR, to a null-terminated Unicode string that contains an optional comment for the IPv6 prefix. There is no restriction on the length of this Unicode string.

State: This is of type DHCP_SUBNET_STATE (section enumeration that indicates the current state of the IPv6 prefix.

ScopeId: This is of type DWORD and is the unique identifier for that IPv6 prefix. This value is generated by the DHCPv6 server.