The DHCP_MSCOPE_INFO structure defines the multicast scope information for a specific multicast subnet. This structure is used in the R_DhcpSetMScopeInfo (section method.

 typedef struct _DHCP_MSCOPE_INFO {
   LPWSTR MScopeName;
   LPWSTR MScopeComment;
   DWORD MScopeId;
   DWORD MScopeAddressPolicy;
   DHCP_HOST_INFO PrimaryHost;
   DWORD MScopeFlags;
   DATE_TIME ExpiryTime;
   LPWSTR LangTag;

MScopeName: This is of type LPWSTR, containing a null-terminated Unicode string that represents the multicast scope name. There is no restriction on the length of this Unicode string.

MScopeComment: This is of type LPWSTR, containing a null-terminated Unicode string that represents the description given to multicast scope. There is no restriction on the length of this Unicode string.

MScopeId: This is of type DWORD, containing the unique identification of the multicast scope defined on the MADCAP server.

MScopeAddressPolicy: This is of type DWORD. This MUST be set to zero when sent and ignored on receipt.

PrimaryHost: This of type DHCP_HOST_INFO (section, a structure containing information about the MADCAP server servicing this multicast scope.

MScopeState: This is of type DHCP_SUBNET_STATE (section, a structure containing the state of the multicast subnet.

MScopeFlags: This is of type DWORD. Currently it is not used, and any value set to this member will not affect the behavior of the method that uses this structure.

ExpiryTime: This is of type DATE_TIME (section, a structure specifying the multicast scope lifetime.

LangTag: This is of type LPWSTR, containing a null-terminated Unicode string that represents the multicast scope language (default is LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT). There is no restriction on the length of this Unicode string.

TTL: This is of type BYTE, containing the Time-to-Live (TTL) value for the multicast scope. The valid range for this field is between 1 and 255, with a default of 32.