The DNS_RPC_SKD_LIST structure contains the information about a list of signing key descriptors that are present for a particular zone on the DNS server.
typedef struct _DnssrvRpcZoneSigningKeyList { DWORD dwRpcStructureVersion; DWORD dwReserved0; [range(0,1000)] DWORD dwCount; [size_is(dwCount)] PDNS_RPC_SKD SkdArray[]; } DNS_RPC_SKD_LIST, *PDNS_RPC_SKD_LIST;
dwRpcStructureVersion: The structure version number; this MUST be set to 0x00000001.
dwReserved0: MUST be set to zero when sent and MUST be ignored on receipt.
dwCount: The number of signing key descriptors present in the array of signing key descriptors pointed to by SkdArray.
SkdArray: An array of structures of type DNS_RPC_SKD (section Each element of the array represents one signing key descriptor.