The DNS_RPC_VIRTUALIZATION_INSTANCE_INFO structure contains the details of a virtualization instance when the virtualization instances in the DNS server are enumerated (section
typedef struct _DnssrvRpcVirtualizationInstanceInfo { LPWSTR pwszVirtualizationID; LPWSTR pwszFriendlyName; LPWSTR pwszDescription; } DNS_RPC_VIRTUALIZATION_INSTANCE_INFO, *PDNS_RPC_VIRTUALIZATION_INSTANCE_INFO;
pwszVirtualizationID: A NULL-terminated Unicode string that uniquely identifies a particular virtualization instance in the DNS server. The maximum length of this identifier is limited to 64 characters.
pwszFriendlyName: A NULL-terminated Unicode string that contains a user-friendly name of the DNS virtualization instance.
pwszDescription: A NULL-terminated Unicode string that contains a description of the DNS virtualization instance.