The KID complex type contains the Key identifier for the target of a specific set of actions.The KID format allows multiple actions.The number of actions is the only action qualifier the device uses. For metering aggregation, the action is always "play". This element contains the action and the qualifiers to be applied to the action.

 <xs:complexType name="KID">
   <xs:attribute name="value"/>
   <xs:element name="ACTION" type="xs:string">
     <xs:attribute name="value"/>

value: Specifies the action. MUST be set to "b64encoded kid", indicating a play content action.

ACTION: Contains a string indicating the maximum number of times the content is allowed to be played. The content MUST NOT be played more than this number of times.

ACTION.value: Contains the action to be performed. For example, the action for metering aggregation is always "play".