The METERCERT_DATA message specifies authentication elements for the metering certificate. These are additional elements containing information to strengthen the authentication of the metering data beyond that offered by the Metering certificates specified in [MS-DRM]. This is used to ensure the source of the information is valid.

 <xs:complexType name="METERCERT_DATA">
     <xs:element name="MID" type="xs:string"/>
     <xs:element name="PUBLICKEY" type="xs:string"/>
     <xs:element name="URL" type="xs:string"/>

MID: Identifies the MID to associate with the metering certificate.

PUBLICKEY: Contains a base64-encoded ECC public key, in the PUBKEY format ([MS-DRM] section The PUBKEY is the public portion of a public-private key pair in ECC1. Base64 encoding is performed as specified in [MS-DRM] section This identifies the public key for the metering certificate, which is used for encrypting the Metering Protocol messages.

URL: A URL element, as specified in section Identifies the URL for the metering aggregation server.