Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) over USB Mappings

The MTP extension defined in this section provides a mapping of WMDRM: Network Devices Protocol messages to the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). The WMDRM: Network Devices Protocol extension to MTP defines operations that enable DRM-protected content to be securely transmitted from the transmitter to the receiver.

The WMDRM: Network Devices Protocol extension to MTP depends on the Microsoft Advanced Audio/Video Transfer (AAVT) extension to MTP for media session management. As a result of this dependence, the AAVT extension MUST also be implemented in both the transmitter and receiver to take advantage of WMDRM: Network Devices Protocol. See the Media Transfer Protocol Specification [MTP] for details concerning the AAVT extension to MTP.

The terms initiator and responder, used in the context of MTP, indicate the MTP initiator and MTP responder. When comparing information with WMDRM: Network Devices Protocol documentation, an initiator corresponds to a WMDRM: Network Devices Protocol receiver, and a responder corresponds to a WMDRM: Network Devices Protocol transmitter.

The following sections give procedural information specific to MTP over USB in the context of WMDRM: Network Devices Protocol.