The VAR_SIZE_BUFFER_WITH_VERSION structure defines a concrete type that is used to pass byte buffers to certain messages. The exact byte pattern is dependent on the structure in which this structure is being used.
typedef struct _VAR_SIZE_BUFFER_WITH_VERSION { ULONG ulVersion; ULONG cbByteBuffer; ULONGLONG ullPadding; [size_is(cbByteBuffer)] BYTE rgbBuffer[]; } VAR_SIZE_BUFFER_WITH_VERSION;
ulVersion: The version of the buffer that is being sent. Handling of this field is performed by the specific message that is using this structure.
cbByteBuffer: The size, in bytes, of the data in the rgbBuffer field.
ullPadding: Used to align the array of bytes in the rgbBuffer field to an 8-byte boundary.
rgbBuffer: An array of bytes. The content of the array depends on the specific message that is using this structure. Starts on an 8-byte boundary.