The DRS_MSG_MOVEREQ_V2 structure defines a request message sent to the IDL_DRSInterDomainMove method.
typedef struct { DSNAME* pSrcDSA; ENTINF* pSrcObject; DSNAME* pDstName; DSNAME* pExpectedTargetNC; DRS_SecBufferDesc* pClientCreds; SCHEMA_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; ULONG ulFlags; } DRS_MSG_MOVEREQ_V2;
pSrcDSA: The client DC nTDSDSA object.
pSrcObject: The object to be moved.
pDstName: The name the object will have in the destination domain.
pExpectedTargetNC: The NC to which pSrcObject is being moved.
pClientCreds: The credentials of the user initiating the call.
PrefixTable: The prefix table with which to translate the ATTRTYP values in pSrcObject to OIDs.
ulFlags: Unused. MUST be 0 and ignored.