4.1 Typical DSLR Session

The following diagram shows a typical DSLR session for a given remote service:

Typical DSLR session

Figure 9: Typical DSLR session

  1. The client sends the CreateService message to the server. The server creates the remote service specified by the class ID and service ID.

  2. The server returns S_OK (0x00000000) if the service was created successfully; otherwise, it returns an appropriate error code.

  3. The client calls a one-way event on the remote service.

  4. The client calls a two-way request on the remote service.

  5. The service returns the result of the two-way request, and any out parameters for the specific request.

  6. The client sends the DeleteService message to the server. The server cleans up the remote service specified service handle.

  7. The server returns S_OK(0x00000000) if the service was deleted successfully; otherwise, it returns an appropriate error code.