Enlistment Phase Zero Complete

The Enlistment Phase Zero Complete event MUST be signaled with the following arguments:

  • An Enlistment object.

  • A value indicating the enlistment's outcome for Phase Zero (section This value MUST be set to one of the following values:

    • Completed

    • Aborted

If the Enlistment Phase Zero Complete event is signaled, the Core Transaction Manager Facet (section MUST perform the following actions:

  • Remove the enlistment from the transaction's Phase Zero Enlistments list.

  • If the enlistment's Phase Zero outcome is Aborted:

    • Set the transaction's Doomed flag to TRUE.

  • If the transaction's Phase Zero Enlistments list is now empty:

    • Set the transaction's state to Phase Zero Complete (section

    • If the transaction's Doomed flag is set to true:

      • Signal the Phase Zero Complete (section event on the transaction's Superior Enlistment's Transaction Manager facet with the following arguments:

        • The transaction's Superior Enlistment object

        • The Failure outcome

      • Signal the Notify Aborted (section event on the Core Transaction Manager Facet with the provided transaction object.

    • Otherwise:

      • If the transaction's Root flag is TRUE:

        • If the transaction's Next Phase Zero Wave Enlistment list is not empty:

          • Set the transaction's State to Active (section

          • Signal the Begin Phase Zero (section event on the Core Transaction Manager Facet with the provided Enlistment's transaction object.

        • Otherwise:

          • Signal the Phase Zero Complete event on the transaction's Superior Enlistment's Transaction Manager facet with the following arguments:

            • The transaction's Superior Enlistment object

            • The Success outcome

      • Otherwise, if the transaction's Root flag is FALSE:

        • If the transaction's Next Phase Zero Wave Enlistment list is not empty:

          • Set the transaction's state to Active.

        • Signal the Phase Zero Complete event on the transaction's Superior Enlistment's Transaction Manager facet with the following arguments:

          • The transaction's Superior Enlistment object

          • The Success outcome