2.3.9 msDFSR-Member

Member objects represent a computer object in a replication group. Each computer that participates in a replication group MUST have one corresponding member (DFS-R) object.

The following attributes of this object are relevant to DFS-R:

  • objectGUID: The member (DFS-R) GUID. This corresponds directly to the member GUID that appears in the RPC interface. MUST exist.

  • msDFSR-ComputerReference: Distinguished name (DN) of the computer object associated with this member object. MUST exist.

  • msDFSR-Keywords: A string to be used in an implementation-dependent manner.<15>

Each msDFSR-Member object contains 0 or more Connection objects, specified by connectionId in section 2.3. An msDFSR-Member object can contain more than one Connection object with the same partner. DFS-R picks only one such connection by sorting connections alphabetically (by converting the connection GUID to a string) and picks the first one.

The schema definition for this object is as specified by the msDFSR-Member class definition in [MS-ADSC] section 2.111.