Request Records Completes

Upon successful completion the server has returned at least some of the requested records to the client.

Actions Triggered: Upon an asynchronous callback from the RequestRecords method while in the Request Records slow sync state, the client MUST queue the received records and process them as specified in section

If the client’s slow sync state is not Request Records, then the client MUST ignore the reply from the server.

Because it is possible that not all records could be sent in response to one RequestRecords method call, the client MUST follow the state transitions specified in section to ensure that it receives all records held by the server.

Error Handling: The following table summarizes the set of errors returned by RequestRecords that cause a client to behave in specific ways.

Error code

Client Response



The client MUST perform the actions listed under the Actions Triggered heading.



The client MUST abort the ongoing slow sync.



The client MUST abort the ongoing slow sync.

All other non-zero error codes

The client SHOULD retry the records request after a timeout of its choice.<42>