Support for this operation is optional. If the object store does not implement this functionality, this operation MUST be failed with STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST.<116>
The server provides:
Open: An Open of DataFile.
InputBuffer: An array of bytes containing a single FILE_REGION_INPUT structure indicating the range of the DataFile to return data about, as specified in [MS-FSCC] section 2.3.55. This input structure is optional.
InputBufferSize: The number of bytes in InputBuffer.
OutputBufferSize: The maximum number of bytes to return in OutputBuffer.
Upon completion, this object store MUST return:
Status: An NTSTATUS code that specifies the result.
OutputBuffer: An array of bytes that will return a FILE_REGION_OUTPUT structure as specified in [MS-FSCC] section 2.3.56.
BytesReturned: The number of bytes returned in OutputBuffer.
This operation uses the following local variables:
A FILE_REGION_INPUT structure as specified in [MS-FSCC] section 2.3.55: InputRegion
32-bit unsigned integers (initialized to zero): OutputBufferIndex, Length
64-bit unsigned integers (initialized to zero): Vdl, Eof
Pseudocode for this operation is as follows:
If InputBufferSize == 0:
Set InputRegion.FileOffset = 0
Set InputRegion.Length = MAXLONGLONG
Set InputRegion.DesiredUsage = FILE_REGION_USAGE_VALID_CACHED_DATA for NTFS or Set InputRegion.DesiredUsage = FILE_REGION_USAGE_VALID_NONCACHED_DATA for ReFS<117>
ElseIf InputBufferSize < Sizeof(FILE_REGION_INPUT)
The operation MUST be failed with STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL.
Set InputRegion = InputBuffer
If InputRegion.Length <= 0, the operation MUST be failed with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
If (InputRegion.FileOffset + InputRegion.Length) exceeds 63 bits, the operation MUST be failed with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
If InputRegion.DesiredUsage does NOT have flag FILE_REGION_USAGE_VALID_CACHED_DATA (for NTFS) or flag FILE_REGION_USAGE_VALID_NONCACHED_DATA (for ReFS) set, the operation MUST be failed with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
If OutputBuffer.Length < sizeof(FILE_REGION_OUTPUT), the operation MUST be failed with STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
Set Vdl = Open.File.ValidDataLength
Set Eof = Open.File.Eof
Set Length = FieldOffset(OutputBuffer.Region[0])
If (InputRegion.FileOffset > Eof) OR ((InputRegion.FileOffset == Eof) AND (Eof > 0)), the operation MUST return STATUS_SUCCESS, with BytesReturned set to 0.
If (InputRegion.FileOffset >= Vdl)
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].FileOffset = InputRegion.FileOffset
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].Length = min(InputRegion.Length, Eof - InputRegion.FileOffset)
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].Usage = 0
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].Reserved = 0
Set Length = Length + sizeof(FILE_REGION_INFO)
Set OutputBufferIndex = OutputBufferIndex + 1
Set OutputBuffer.TotalRegionEntryCount = OutputBuffer.TotalRegionEntryCount + 1
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].FileOffset = InputRegion.FileOffset
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].Length = min((Vdl – InputRegion.FileOffset), InputRegion.Length)
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].Usage = InputRegion.DesiredUsage
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].Reserved = 0
Set Length = Length + sizeof(FILE_REGION_INFO)
Set OutputBufferIndex = OutputBufferIndex + 1
Set OutputBuffer.TotalRegionEntryCount = OutputBuffer.TotalRegionEntryCount + 1
If (Vdl < Eof) AND (OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex - 1]. Length <InputRegion.Length),
If (Length + sizeof(FILE_REGION_INFO)) > OutputBufferSize)
Set OutputBuffer.TotalRegionEntryCount = OutputBuffer.TotalRegionEntryCount + 1
The operation MUST be failed with STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW.
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].FileOffset = Vdl
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].Length = min(InputRegion.Length –OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex - 1].Length, Eof –Vdl)
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].Usage = 0
Set OutputBuffer.Region[OutputBufferIndex].Reserved = 0;
Set Length = Length + sizeof(FILE_REGION_INFO)
Set OutputBufferIndex = OutputBufferIndex + 1
Set OutputBuffer.TotalRegionEntryCount = OutputBuffer.TotalRegionEntryCount + 1
Upon successful completion of the operation, the object store MUST return:
OutputBuffer.RegionEntryCount set to OutputBufferIndex
BytesReturned set to Length
Status set to STATUS_SUCCESS