LogResult (put) (Opnum 25)

The LogResult (put) method sets the log result property of the action. The log result property determines if the server will log an application event when the executable started for this action terminates.

   [in] VARIANT_BOOL logResults

logResults: Contains the log result value to use for this action.

Return Values: The method MUST return zero on success, or a nonzero error code on failure.

Return value/code




The logResults parameter is not a valid variant type. If logResults is not VT_BOOL, the parameter is an invalid type.

The server MUST use logResults as the log result value for this action's executable or return a nonzero error code.

The server MUST log an event when this action's executable terminates if logResults is true and the MonitorCommand property is set to true.

The server MUST NOT log an event when this action's executable terminates if logResults is true and the MonitorCommand property is set to false.