
The FsrmReportType enumeration defines the set of report types that can be generated by the File Server Resource Manager Protocol.

 typedef  enum _FsrmReportType
   FsrmReportType_Unknown = 0,
   FsrmReportType_LargeFiles = 1,
   FsrmReportType_FilesByType = 2,
   FsrmReportType_LeastRecentlyAccessed = 3,
   FsrmReportType_MostRecentlyAccessed = 4,
   FsrmReportType_QuotaUsage = 5,
   FsrmReportType_FilesByOwner = 6,
   FsrmReportType_ExportReport = 7,
   FsrmReportType_DuplicateFiles = 8,
   FsrmReportType_FileScreenAudit = 9,
   FsrmReportType_FilesByProperty = 10,
   FsrmReportType_AutomaticClassification = 11,
   FsrmReportType_Expiration = 12,
   FsrmReportType_FoldersByProperty = 13
 } FsrmReportType;

FsrmReportType_Unknown:  This enumeration value is not used by FSRM and MUST NOT be referenced. If the server receives this enumeration value, it MUST consider the value invalid and not apply any changes.

FsrmReportType_LargeFiles:  This report type lists files over a given size.

FsrmReportType_FilesByType:  This report type lists files grouped by type.

FsrmReportType_LeastRecentlyAccessed:  This report type lists files that have not been accessed recently.

FsrmReportType_MostRecentlyAccessed:  This report type lists files that have been accessed most recently.

FsrmReportType_QuotaUsage:  This report type lists quotas that exceed a certain threshold.

FsrmReportType_FilesByOwner:  This report lists files grouped by their owner.

FsrmReportType_ExportReport:  This report lists files without any grouping or limiting.

FsrmReportType_DuplicateFiles:  This report lists duplicate files.<16>

FsrmReportType_FileScreenAudit:  This report lists file screening events that have occurred.

FsrmReportType_FilesByProperty:  This report lists files grouped by classification property.

FsrmReportType_AutomaticClassification:  This report lists files that have been classified during an automatic classification run.

FsrmReportType_Expiration:  This report lists files that have been expired during a file management operation.

FsrmReportType_FoldersByProperty:  This report lists folders grouped by classification property.