This structure contains the mapping information for a file share to its shadow copy.

 typedef struct _FSSAGENT_SHARE_MAPPING_1 {
     GUID ShadowCopySetId;
     GUID ShadowCopyId;
     [string] LPWSTR ShareNameUNC;
     [string] LPWSTR ShadowCopyShareName;
     LONGLONG CreationTimestamp;

ShadowCopySetId:  The GUID of the shadow copy set.

ShadowCopyId:  The GUID of the shadow copy.

ShareNameUNC:  The name of the share in UNC format.

ShadowCopyShareName:  The name of the share exposing the shadow copy of the base share identified by ShareNameUNC, in UNC format.

CreationTimestamp:  The time at which the shadow copy of the share is created. This MUST be a 64-bit integer value containing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).