2 Structures

This protocol references commonly used data types as defined in [MS-DTYP]. The NAP Group Policy administrative plug-in uses the transport specified in [MS-GPOL] to read and modify settings in the central policy store. Information is retrieved from the policy store by the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding ([MS-GPREG] section 3.2), which writes the information to the client's registry.

The NAP Group Policy client configuration is implemented as a set of entries in the machine-specific Registry Policy file used by the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding. To support the NAP Group Policy option, the NAP administrative plug-in MUST be able to write and query the corresponding entry in the machine-specific Registry Policy file of the relevant GPO.

The following NAP Group Policy client configurations are defined:

The following sections specify the format of the corresponding entries in the machine-specific Registry Policy file. The intent of various settings is also described in the following sections; however, these settings are processed by the NAP system in the client, and their descriptions here are only for informative purposes, not for normative purposes.