Completing the GPO Configuration

GPOs store various information sets in the form of attributes, which support Group Policy processes. Some of these attributes are automatically generated when the GPO is created and some are configured by the Group Policy administrator, such as the Extension lists. After the Group Policy administrator creates and configures the GPO, it will contain the following key attributes:

createTimeStamp: Stores the date and time that the groupPolicyContainer object was created.

displayName: Stores the friendly name of the GPO specified by the Group Policy administrator.

DistinguishedName: Stores the full DN of the groupPolicyContainer object.

Flags: Stores the state of the GPO:

  • Flags=0; the GPO is enabled

  • Flags=1; the user configuration portion of the GPO is disabled

  • Flags=2; the computer configuration portion of GPO is disabled

  • Flags=3; the GPO is disabled

gPCFileSysPath: Stores the Group Policy file share path to the GPO's gpt.ini file.

gPCMachineExtensionNames: Stores a list of GUIDs that correspond to computer-specific CSEs that are implemented in this GPO.

gPCUserExtensionNames: Stores a list of GUIDs that correspond to user-specific CSEs that are implemented in this GPO.

versionNumber: Stores the current version number for the groupPolicyContainer of the GPO. Versioning is used to determine how many changes have been made to the GPO and whether the changes synchronize with the version that is specified by the gpt.ini file in the GPO path.

After a GPO is successfully created, it can be edited in the same manner as an existing policy is edited, as described in section