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4.2.1 DataSources XML Example

The following is an example of a DataSources configuration XML. The XML in this example defines an ODBC data source in the logged-in user profile that points to a Microsoft Office Access database; it defines an ODBC data source for all users that points to another Microsoft Office Access database.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <DataSources clsid="{380F820F-F21B-41ac-A3CC-24D4F80F067B}" disabled="0">
   <DataSource clsid="{5C209626-D820-4d69-8D50-1FACD6214488}" name="LocalContacts" 
     image="1" bypassErrors="0" userContext="1" removePolicy="1" 
     desc="This is a local database on the local machine." 
     changed="2007-07-06 20:33:47" uid="{5AA6C3F8-B6D3-4FE1-8925-FEBE6F15310A}">
     <Properties action="R" userDSN="1" dsn="LocalContacts" 
       driver="Microsoft Access (*.mdb)" description="Local Access Database" 
       username="" cpassword="">
         <Attribute name="DSN" value="C:\USERS\DEMO.MDB"/>
   <DataSource clsid="{5C209626-D820-4d69-8D50-1FACD6214488}" name="SystemNodes" 
     image="2" bypassErrors="0" userContext="1" removePolicy="0" 
     changed="2007-07-06 20:35:31" uid="{F2174147-A906-4977-AE6F-019C427979D8}">
     <Properties action="U" userDSN="0" dsn="SystemNodes" 
       driver="Microsoft Access (*.mdb)" description="All system nodes." 
       username="" cpassword="">
         <Attribute name="DSN" value="c:\nodelist.mdb"/>
       <FilterRunOnce hidden="1" not="0" bool="AND" 