3.1.1 Abstract Data Model

The following information must be maintained by the server for use in responding to client queries and commands.

Configuration storage, interfaced by IMSAdminBaseW, is to be implemented as a hierarchical tree-like store of data. Configuration data is accessed through the metabase path, where each node of the path represents branch of the tree, similar to the registry key. The node is identified by a name that is unique between siblings and the metabase path is combined from node names separated by predefined separation characters. Each node could contain any number of data value items (data) identified by numerical IDs, and any number of child nodes.

In addition to the registry-like features, the metabase provides data value items inheritance along the metabase path in such a manner, that data value item defined on the node located closer to the root of the tree could be inherited by lower level nodes. Each data value item carries an attribute that could be used to find, if the data on any particular node is defined on that node, or inherited from the parent node.

Each data on the metabase node has attributes describing the type of data that it contains and type of use for this data. For a complete description of the data structure with all the attributes, see section 2.2.7.

The metabase root is defined by the predefined handle METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE. When the metabase is initialized, this handle is opened with read access and stays opened during the entire session. When a caller is getting access to the nodes, which are located lower than root, the access type is passed as a parameter. This access type could be read or write; see section When a caller requests write access, the server locks the metabase subtree starting from the node where access is requested, including the parental nodes and all the child nodes. If at the moment of call the requested part of metabase is already locked by another caller, the requesting call returns Win32 error code ERROR_PATH_BUSY (see [MS-ERREF] section 2.2). The server keeps the state of the locked subtree until the opened node is explicitly closed. When the caller requests read-only access, the server locks the same portion of the tree from being opened for write access. Multiple calls could open locked nodes for read-only access at the same time. If any caller requests write access to the portion of the tree, which is currently locked for read-only access, then this call will return the Win32 error code ERROR_PATH_BUSY (see [MS-ERREF] section 2.2).

The server must keep the counter of changes that were done to the configuration storage.

The server must keep record of last change time for each node.