IsExportableRemote (Opnum 14)

The IsExportableRemote method determines whether the server certificate associated with InstanceName can be exported.

 [id(8)] HRESULT IsExportableRemote(
   [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* retval

retval: A pointer to a VARIANT_BOOL.

Return Values:  A signed 32-bit value that indicates return status. If the method returns a negative value, it failed. If the 12-bit facility code (bits 16–27) is set to 0x007, the value contains a Win32 error code in the lower 16 bits. Zero or positive values indicate success, with the lower 16 bits in positive nonzero values containing warnings or flags defined in the method implementation. For more information about Win32 error codes and HRESULT values, see [MS-ERREF].

Return value/code




The call was successful.



One or more arguments are invalid.

The opnum field value for this method is 14.

When processing this call, the server MUST do the following:

  • If the InstanceName (Set) method has not been called to set the web server instance, return E_INVALIDARG.

  • Attempt to retrieve the certificate referenced at the specified InstanceName. If the certificate cannot be retrieved on the target system or if no certificate is referenced at the specified InstanceName, set retval to VARIANT_FALSE and return S_OK.

  • Attempt to retrieve the private key for the certificate and to determine whether the key can be exported. If the key can be retrieved and is exportable, set retval to VARIANT_TRUE, otherwise set retval to VARIANT_FALSE. Return S_OK.