Receiving a LinkViewerToMacFunnelInfo Message

The server MUST first follow the steps specified in section Also, the server MUST verify that the LinkViewerToMacFunnelInfo message adheres to the syntax specified in section

The server MUST send a LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo (section message.

The server MUST set the value of the nCubs field in the LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message to the value of the Client-ID variable in the abstract data model.

If the value of the playIncarnation field of the LinkViewerToMacFunnelInfo message is 0xF0F0F0F0 or 0xF0F0F0F1, and the server supports sending packet-pair packets over TCP, the server SHOULD set the playIncarnation field in the LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message to 0xF0F0F0F1.

If the value of the playIncarnation field of the LinkViewerToMacFunnelInfo message is 0xF0F0F901, and the server supports sending packet-pair packets over UDP, the server SHOULD set the playIncarnation field in the LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message to 0xF0F0F901, and the size of the Packet-pair packet field SHOULD be 0.

Otherwise, the playIncarnation field in the LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message MUST be set to 0xF0F0F0EF, and the size of the Packet-pair packet field SHOULD be 0.

If the value of the playIncarnation field in the LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message is set to 0xF0F0F901, the server MUST also set the UDP-Packet-Pair variable in the abstract data model to True.

If the value of the playIncarnation field in the LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message is set to 0xF0F0F0F1, the Packet-pair packet field MUST be set to high-entropy (random) bytes. The size of the Packet-pair packet field MUST be chosen so that the total size of the TcpMessageHeader packet that contains the LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message becomes 512 bytes.

After sending the LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message, if the value of the playIncarnation field in the LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message is set to 0xF0F0F0F1, the server MUST send a second and a third LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message. Each of these two messages MUST be identical to the first message, except that the contents of the Packet-pair packet field MUST be set to different random bytes. Also, the size of the Packet-pair packet field in the third message MUST be chosen so that the total size of the TcpMessageHeader packet that contains the third message becomes 1,056 bytes.

After sending the last LinkMacToViewerReportFunnelInfo message, the server MUST wait for a LinkViewerToMacConnectFunnel message to be received. How to process this message is specified in section