Update Orders
The Update Orders packet contains one or more update orders.
1 |
2 |
3 |
updateType |
padding |
cOrders |
sendBPP |
data (variable) |
... |
updateType (2 bytes): One of the following values, which indicate the type of update orders that are contained in the structure.
The packet can contain one or more of the orders that are defined in the Order Type enumeration. Possible values for the Order Type enumeration are defined in section
Contains an UpdateBitmapPDU order that updates a region of the screen.
Contains an UpdatePalettePDU order that describes the palette of UpdateBitmapPDU orders.
Contains an UpdateSynchronizePDU order that resets the state of the connection.
If this field is set to 0x0000, this packet can contain any of the following orders:
Contains an arc.
Contains a bitmap to be cached.
Contains a color table to be cached.
Contains a chord.
Contains a desktop scroll.
Contains a raster transfer of a rectangle.
Contains an ellipse.
Contains a string to be displayed and positions for the individual characters.
Contains a line.
Contains a transfer from the bitmap cache to the screen.
Contains a transfer from the bitmap cache to the screen through a brush.
Contains an opaque rectangle.
Contains a brush paint.
Contains a pie wedge.
Contains one or more Bezier curves.
Contains a polygon.
Contains a rectangle.
Contains a rectangle that has rounded corners.
Contains a region of the screen that the receiver SHOULD save or restore.
Contains a bit-block transfer between regions of the screen.
Contains a string.
padding (2 bytes): Reserved. MUST be set to zero when sent and MUST be ignored on receipt.
cOrders (2 bytes): The number of orders that are contained in data.
sendBPP (2 bytes): The bits per pixel that are in use by the sending application-sharing session node.
data (variable): An array of orders that are appropriate to the value of updateType.