Seek Available Message Position
This event MUST be generated with the following arguments:
iInitialPosition: A reference to the MessagePosition (section ADM element instance from which iteration commences.
iQueue: A reference to the Queue (section ADM element instance in which the iteration occurs.
iPeekOperation: A Boolean that indicates if this seek is for a non-destructive read operation.
iSeekDirection (Optional): An enumeration that defines the direction in which to seek. This enumeration MUST have one of the following values:
Forward (default)
Return Value:
rMessagePosition: A reference to a MessagePosition ADM element instance that is available in iQueue or the special End position defined for the MessagePositionList ADM attribute of a Queue ADM element instance. The End position indicates that no message was available.
The queue manager MUST perform the following actions to process this event:
Define iIterator as a reference to a MessagePosition ADM element instance for the purpose of iterating iQueue.MessagePositionList and set it to iInitialPosition.
If iSeekDirection is Forward or if the iSeekDirection argument is not supplied:
If iIterator is equivalent to the StartMessagePosition ADM element instance defined for iQueue.MessagePositionList:
Set iIterator to iQueue.MessagePositionList.Head
Set iIterator to iInitialPosition.Next.
While iIterator is not equivalent to iQueue.MessagePositionList.End and iIterator.State is not Available:
If iIterator.State is Locked and iPeekOperation is True and iIterator.MessageReference.AllowPeekWhenLocked is True:
Set rMessagePosition to iIterator
Take no further action
Set iIterator to iIterator.Next.
If iIterator is equivalent to the EndMessagePosition ADM element instance defined for iQueue.MessagePositionList:
Set iIterator to iQueue.MessagePositionList.Tail
Set iIterator to iInitialPosition.Previous.
While iIterator is not equivalent to iQueue.MessagePositionList.Start and iIterator.State is not Available:
If iIterator.State is Locked and iPeekOperation is True and iIterator.MessageReference.AllowPeekWhenLocked is True:
Set rMessagePosition to iIterator
Take no further action
Set iIterator to iIterator.Previous.
Set rMessagePosition to iIterator.