Enqueue Message To An Open Queue
This event MUST be generated with the following arguments:
iOpenQueueDescriptor: The OpenQueueDescriptor (section ADM element instance that references the Queue (section ADM element instance or instances to which the Message (section ADM element instance will be added.
iMessage: A reference to a Message (section ADM element instance that will be added to the Queue (section ADM element instance referenced by iOpenQueueDescriptor.QueueReference.
iTransaction (Optional): A reference to a Transaction (section ADM element instance that provides the unit of work for the enqueue operation.
Return Value:
rStatus: A status code that can be one of the following:
no error (0)
queue quota would be exceeded (1)
queue manager quota would be exceeded (2)
message timed out in transit (3)
The queue manager MUST perform the following actions to process this event:
If iOpenQueueDescriptor.Multiple is FALSE:
Generate an Enqueue Message (section event with the following arguments:
iQueue := iOpenQueueDescriptor.QueueReference
iMessage := iMessage
iTransaction := iTransaction (if supplied)
Set rStatus to the rStatus returned by the Enqueue Message event.
Take no further action.
Set iMessage.DestinationMultiQueueFormatName to iOpenQueueDescriptor.FormatName.
For each OpenQueueDescriptor ADM element instance in iOpenQueueDescriptor.OpenQueueDescriptorCollection, referred to as SingleOpenQueue:
Let MessageCopy be a Message ADM element instance, initialized to be a copy of iMessage.
Set MessageCopy.DestinationFormatName to SingleOpenQueue.FormatName.
Generate an Enqueue Message event with the following arguments:
iQueue := SingleOpenQueue
iMessage := MessageCopy
iTransaction := iTransaction (if supplied)
If the rStatus returned by the Enqueue Message event is not MQ_OK (0x00000000), set rStatus to the returned value, and take no further action.
Set rStatus to zero.