Close Queue

This event MUST be generated with the following argument:

Return Value:

  • None.

The queue manager MUST perform the following actions to process this event:

  • If iQueueDesc.QueueReference is NULL:

    • Take no further action.

  • If iQueueDesc.Multiple is TRUE:

    • For each OpenQueueDescriptor ADM element instance in iQueueDesc.OpenQueueDescriptorCollection:

      • Generate a Close Queue event with iQueueDesc set to that OpenQueueDescriptor ADM element instance.

    • Take no further action.

  • For each WaitingMessageReadOperation (section ADM element instance, referred to as readOp, in iQueueDesc.WaitingMessageReadOperationCollection:

  • For each Cursor (section 3.2) ADM element instance, referred to as cursorObj, in iQueueDesc.CursorCollection:

  • Remove the OpenQueueDescriptor ADM element instance referenced by iQueueDesc from iQueueDesc.QueueReference.OpenQueueDescriptorCollection.