Read Directory Next

This event MUST be generated with the following argument:

Return Values:

  • rStatus: A DirectoryOperationResult that indicates the result of this directory operation.

  • rDirectoryObject: The next DirectoryObject ADM element instance from the collection of  DirectoryObject ADM element instances that match the iFilter argument expressions supplied to the Read Directory Begin event that created the supplied iQueryHandle argument. The collection is ordered based on the iAttributeSortOrder argument supplied to the Read Directory Begin event that created the supplied iQueryHandle argument. This value is populated with the ADM attributes specified in iAttributeList argument supplied to the Read Directory Begin event that created the supplied iQueryHandle argument. This value is undefined if rStatus does not equal DirectoryOperationResult.Success.

The queue manager MUST delegate the processing of this event to the Read Directory Next event as defined in [MS-MQDSSM] section<27>