Shut Down an LDAP Connection

This event MUST be generated with no arguments.

Return Values:

  • None.

The algorithm MUST perform the following actions to process this event:

  • Decrement the value of the CachedLDAPConnection.RefCount (section ADM element attribute by 1.

  • If the value of the CachedLDAPConnection.RefCount ADM element attribute is greater than zero, take no further action.

  • Let DirectoryServerConnection be an ADCONNECTION_HANDLE ([MS-DTYP] section 2.2.2) that is initialized to the value of the CachedLDAPConnection.Handle ADM element attribute.

  • Set the CachedLDAPConnection.Handle ADM element attribute to NULL.

  • Perform the Performing an LDAP Unbind on an ADConnection ([MS-ADTS] section task with the following parameter:

    • TaskInputADConnection = DirectoryServerConnection