2.1.3 Public Format Names

Public format names and direct format names (section 2.1.2) are used to reference public queues. When a public format name is used, Message Queuing uses its internal routing algorithm to define the route to the destination queue.

Public format names contain the string "PUBLIC=" followed by the identifier assigned to the queue when it was created. This identifier is the GUID listed for the queue object in Active Directory.

A public format name MUST conform to the following format in ABNF notation.

 PublicName = "PUBLIC=" QueueGuid
 QueueGuid  = Guid
 Guid       = 8HexDig %x2D 3(4HexDig %x2D) 12HexDig
 HexDig     = Digit / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D"  / "E" / "F"
 Digit      = %x30-39