Value: 12

Variant type: VT_LPWSTR | VT_VECTOR

Description: The address, or a list of possible addresses, for routing messages to the destination queue in the next hop. If the queue is in the process of being connected, a list of possible addresses is returned. Each element conforms to the following ABNF.

 Address = IPAddr/ForeignAddress/IPv6Addr
 IPAddr    = "IP=" IPv4address
 ForeignAddress = "FOREIGN=" Guid
 IPv6Addr    = "IPv6=" IPv6address
 Guid = 8HexDig %x2D 3(4HexDig %x2D) 12HexDig
 HexDig = Digit / "A" /  "B" / "C" / "D"  / "E" / "F"
 Digit = %x30-39

ABNF rules IPv4address and IPv6address are defined in [RFC3986] appendix A.