Private Data Elements

This protocol manipulates the following abstract data model (ADM) elements that are specific to this protocol:

RequestID: A GUID that uniquely identifies the current request.

LastSuccessfulNetworkAddress: The address of the network from which the client has previously received the last valid TopologyServerReply (section 2.2.3) packet.

ValidLastSuccessfulNetworkAddress: A Boolean variable indicating whether the LastSuccessfulNetworkAddress ADM element contains a valid network address.

LastTopologyServerReply: Holds a copy of the last TopologyServerReply packet received by the client.

TopologyServerReplyReceived: A Boolean variable indicating whether the client has previously received a valid TopologyServerReply packet on any of the networks on which previous TopologyClientRequest (section 2.2.2) packets have been sent.

NetworkAddressList: A list of addresses of networks to which the client is connected.

NumberOfNetworkAddresses: The number of network addresses listed in the NetworkAddressList ADM element.

CurrentNetworkIndex: An Integer variable that indicates which of the network addresses listed in the NetworkAddressList ADM element was used to send the last TopologyClientRequest packet.