Get Directory Server List

This event causes this protocol to obtain a new list of MSMQ directory servers. The event MUST return after the protocol obtains a valid list of directory servers. If the protocol is unable to obtain a valid list of directory servers, the protocol MUST return a result that indicates a failure.<16>

When this event is triggered, the protocol executes the following steps:

  • The protocol MUST add all network addresses to which the computer is connected to the NetworkAddressList ADM element and MUST set the NumberOfNetworkAddresses ADM element to the number of network addresses listed in the NetworkAddressList ADM element.<17>

  • If the ValidLastSuccessfulNetworkAddress ADM element equals TRUE and none of the network addresses listed in the NetworkAddressList ADM element is a Remote Access Service address<18>, the protocol MUST complete the processing of this event.

  • The protocol MUST create a new GUID and assign it to the RequestID ADM element.

  • The protocol MUST set the CurrentNetworkIndex ADM elment to zero.

  • The protocol MUST set the TopologyServerReplyReceived ADM element to FALSE.

  • The protocol MUST initiate the sending of a TopologyClientRequest (section 2.2.2) packet, as specified in section