MSG_INFO_0 is a data structure that contains a string that specifies the recipient name to which a message is to be sent.

 typedef struct _MSG_INFO_0 {
   [string] wchar_t* msgi0_name;
 } MSG_INFO_0,

msgi0_name: Pointer to a buffer that receives the name string in UTF-16 format. There are two sources for this parameter:

  1. It is the UTF-16 formatted Name parameter passed in NetrMessageNameGetInfo (section that has been verified to have an equivalent entry in the message table in section 3.1.1 according to the following algorithm.

     Function CompareName (passed in Unicode name)
       Convert the name to uppercase as specified in [MS-UCODEREF] section
       Convert the Unicode string to an OEM string as specified in [MS-UCODEREF] section
       If OEM string is < 15 bytes
         Pad to 15 bytes with spaces
       If OEM string is > 15 bytes
         Truncate to 15 bytes 
       For each table entry
         Compare the resulting 15 bytes for equality with the first 15 bytes of the NetBIOS name in the entry 
         If equal
           Return True
     End CompareName
  2. It is returned in the InfoStruct parameter of NetrMessageNameEnum (section in which it was retrieved from the message table in section 3.1.1, the NetBIOS suffix and any trailing spaces removed, and the remaining characters converted to UTF-16.