The CHECKSUM structure is used in the VERIFY_MESSAGE structure (section and is defined as follows. 

   ULONG cbHeaderLength;
   ULONG ChecksumScheme;
   ULONG ChecksumType; 
   BYTE_VECTOR ChecksumValue;

cbHeaderLength: A ULONG that contains the length of the structure definition in octets; this field has a value of 20. 

ChecksumScheme: A ULONG that describes how checksum is computed and verified. Only the CHECKSUM_SCHEME_RFC3961 is defined, as specified in section 2.2.3. When the value of the ChecksumScheme field is 1 (CHECKSUM_SCHEME_RFC3961), the ChecksumValue field contains a sequence of octets computed according to [RFC3961] and the ChecksumType field contains the checksum type value defined according to [RFC3961].  

ChecksumType: A ULONG that contains the checksum type of value defined according to [RFC3961].  

ChecksumValue: A BYTE_VECTOR structure that contains a sequence of octets computed according to [RFC3961].