2.4 Array Records

This section defines Array records that represent Array instances. [MS-NRTP] section, describes the mechanism to map an Array instance to a record defined in this section.

Items of an Array MUST be serialized as records following the Array record, as specified in section 2.7. The number of records that contain the Array items depends on the type of Array record. For the ArraySingleObject, ArraySinglePrimitive, and ArraySingleString records, the number of records containing Array items MUST be equal to the value of the Length field of the ArrayInfo field. For BinaryArray records, the number of records containing Array items MUST be equal to the product of the values contained in the Lengths field of the BinaryArray record. In the cases where an item of an Array can contain a Null Object, multiple ObjectNull records in sequence MAY be represented by a single ObjectNullMultiple (section 2.5.5) or ObjectNullMultiple256 (section 2.5.6) record. Each of these records contains a NullCount field that states how many ObjectNull records that the record represents. For the purpose of calculating the number of records, a single ObjectNullMultiple or ObjectNullMultiple256 record is counted as many times as the value specified in the NullCount field.<6>