
UnitySerializationHolder is a Class. The Library name of the Class is "mscorlib". It contains metadata that provides information about a Remoting Type. It is Assignable to System.Type.

 namespace System
   class UnitySerializationHolder 
     Int32                UnityType;
     String               _Data;
     String               AssemblyName;
     System.Type[]        GenericArguments;

UnityType: An Int32 value that indicates whether the Remoting Type is a Generic Type as shown in the following table.

UnityType value

Remoting Type category


All types except Instantiated Generic Type


Instantiated Generic Type

Data: _A String value that contains the name of the Remoting Type. The value MUST conform to the format specified in TypeName (section

AssemblyName: A String value that contains the name of the Library that contains the Remoting Type. The value MUST conform to the format specified in LibraryName (section

GenericArguments: A System.Type Array value that contains the information about the Remoting Type of the actual parameters that were used to construct the Instantiated Generic Type. This field MUST be present if UnityType is 8. This field MUST NOT be present for other values of UnityType. This field MUST have at least one entry and MUST NOT contain any null entries.<19>