GetDataCollectorSets (Opnum 14)
The GetDataCollectorSets method populates data collector set collection with the persisted data collector sets. A data collector set is considered to be persisted if either of the following conditions is met:
The data collector set is in a running state. A data collector set is considered to be in a running state if a call to IDataCollectorSet::getState returns plaRunning. A data collector set enters a running state by calling IDataCollectorSet::Start. A data collector set can be removed from a running state by calling IDataCollectorSet::Stop.
The data collector set is committed. A data collector set is committed after a successful call to IDataCollectorSet::Commit where the CommitMode has any value other than plaValidateOnly. A data collector set can be removed from a committed state by calling IDataCollectorSet::Delete.
Semantically, a data collector set is persisted if it has been committed to a permanent store, such as the filesystem.<35>
HRESULT GetDataCollectorSets( [in, unique] BSTR server, [in, unique] BSTR filter );
server: Not used.
filter: Not used.
Return Values: This method MUST return an HRESULT with the severity bit clear on success as specified in [MS-ERREF]; otherwise, it MUST return one of the errors as defined in 2.2.1 or one of the errors as defined in [MS-ERREF] section 2.1.