Autorefreshing Records

The following actions MUST be taken by the local node, in order, when autorefreshing records:

The graph database MUST be scanned for the set of records that have their Autorefresh flags set, their Deleted flags unset and an expiration time value less than or equal to the local Node Peer Time + 20 seconds.

For each record in this set, the record MUST be updated using an otherwise identical Record with the following record fields changed:

  • If the existing record's Expiration Time value is later than the record's Last Modification Time, the new Expiration Time field's value MUST be set to:


    • PeerTime is the Peer Time on the Local Node.

    • LastModifiedTime is the Last Modification Time field in the Record.

    • ExpirationTime is the Expiration Time field in the record.

  • If the existing record's Expiration Time value is not later than the Record's Last Modification Time, the new Expiration Time field's value MUST be set to 300 seconds.

  • The new record's Last Modification Time field value MUST be set to the current value of the local node's peer time.