Rules for Receiving Data

  1. The client receives data from the server using the wxf:ReceiveResponse WS-MAN message. Each wxf:ReceiveResponse message contains one or more fragments. See section 2.2.4 for the format of a fragment.

  2. When one of the WS-MAN messages with fragmented data is received, the client extracts the Blob field of the fragment and appends the extracted data to the PartiallyDefragmentedPsrpMessage field of the targeted RunspacePool (section or pipeline (section

  3. After an End Fragment packet is received (section 2.2.4), a whole PSRP message (see section 2.2.1) is stored in PartiallyDefragmentedPsrpMessage and can be handled as described in section

  4. Clients SHOULD compare the ObjectId and FragmentId fields of each received fragment with the LastObjectId and LastFragmentId data stored in the ADM and then update the ADM. If at any point, it is determined that the fragments are not received in ascending order of FragmentId with the same ObjectId, the client MUST close the appropriate RunspacePool (section or stop the appropriate pipeline (section