Information Record
The Information Record represents information data from the pipeline. The Information Record is serialized as a complex object as described in section
MessageData: An <S N="MessageData"> XML element with a string describing the information message.
Source: An <S N="Source"> XML element with a string describing the source of the information data.
TimeGenerated: A <DT N="TimeGenerated"> XML element with a date time string representing the date and time of the generated information data.
Tags: An <Obj N="Tags"> XML element with a list of objects used to tag the information data.
User: An <S N="User"> XML element with a string that describes the user name for the generated information data.
Computer: An <S N="Computer"> XML element with a string that describes the computer name for the generated information data.
ProcessId: An <S N="ProcessId"> XML element with an integer describing the process Id for the generated information data.
NativeThreadId: An <S N="NativeThreadId"> XML element with an integer describing the native thread Id for the generated information data.
ManagedThreadId: An <S N="ManagedThreadId"> XML element with an integer describing the managed thread Id for the generated information data.
WriteInformationStream: A <B N="WriteInformationStream"> XML element with a Boolean describing this record as an information stream type.
<Obj RefId="0"> <TN RefId="0"> <T>System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord</T> <T>System.Object</T> </TN> <ToString>Information Data</ToString> <Props> <S N="MessageData">Information Data</S> <S N="Source">Write-Information</S> <DT N="TimeGenerated">2015-03-09T11:00:06.7899543-07:00</DT> <Obj N="Tags" RefId="1"> <TN RefId="1"> <T>System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]</T> <T>System.Object</T> </TN> <LST /> </Obj> <S N="User">DOMAIN\UserName</S> <S N="Computer">ComputerFQID</S> <U32 N="ProcessId">64332</U32> <U32 N="NativeThreadId">21456</U32> <U32 N="ManagedThreadId">7</U32> </Props> <MS> <B N="WriteInformationStream">true</B> </MS> </Obj>