After creating a TYPE_MESHGEOMETRY3D resource, the server MUST send a MILCMD_MESHGEOMETRY3D message targeting the new resource.

The TYPE_MESHGEOMETRY3D resource is a collection of vertices grouped in triads, each one representing a triangle to be drawn in 3-D space. Each vertex is represented by a spatial position, a color, and a texture coordinate. Triangles are represented as triads of indices into the vertex arrays.

This message updates all properties of this resource. This message requires the following 4 collections in order to build TYPE_MESHGEOMETRY3D resource:

  • A variable-length array of Mil3DPoint structures that represents the vertices on the mesh.

  • A variable-length array of MilPoint structures that represents the coordinates that define the brush-to-mesh mapping for each vertex. There MUST be exactly one entry in the coordinates array per vertex.

  • A variable-length array of 32-bit integers that represents the indices into the Positions collection that define the triangles. If this collection is empty then the triangles are implicitly defined by each set of three vertices, starting with the first, second and third, then the fourth, fifth and sixth, and so on.

  • A variable-length array of 32-bit integers that represents the color of each vertex in the mesh. These only work with DiffuseMaterial. There MUST be one color entry per vertex.