Client Drive Device List Remove (DR_DEVICELIST_REMOVE)
The client removes a list of already-announced devices from the server.
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Header |
DeviceCount |
DeviceIds (variable) |
... |
Header (4 bytes): An RDPDR_HEADER header. The Component field MUST be set to RDPDR_CTYP_CORE, and the PacketId field MUST be set to PAKID_CORE_DEVICELIST_REMOVE.
DeviceCount (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of entries in the DeviceIds field.
DeviceIds (variable): A variable-length array of 32-bit unsigned integers that specifies device IDs. The IDs specified in this array match the IDs specified in the Client Device List Announce (section packet.
Note The client can send the DR_DEVICELIST_REMOVE message for devices that are removed after a session is connected. The server can accept the DR_DEVICE_REMOVE message for any removed device, including file system and port devices. The server can also accept reused DeviceIds of devices that have been removed, providing the implementation uses the DR_DEVICE_REMOVE message to do so.