The OWNER element of the UL describes the author of the PL that was used to create the UL. It grants no rights by itself, whereas the RIGHT element with name OWNER does formally grant the owner rights.

The OWNER element MUST follow this template.

       <ID type="[[- type -]]" />
       [[- emailalias -]]

[[- type -]]: MUST be the type of user account, as determined by the authentication scheme. For an ID authenticated by an Active Directory account, the type MUST be "Windows". For an ID authenticated by a server using the Microsoft Web Browser Federated Sign-On Protocol [MS-MWBF], the type MUST be "Federation". For an ID authenticated by Passport, the type MUST be "Passport".

[[- emailalias -]]: MUST be a NAME element that contains the primary email address associated with the user's account.