1.4 Relationship to Other Protocols

This document specifies a set of extensions built on the DCE 1.1: RPC Specification, as specified in [C706].

The extensions that require message authentication and security rely on the following protocols: Kerberos (as specified in [MS-KILE]), Simple and Protected Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO): Microsoft Extension (as specified in [MS-SPNG]), NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication Protocol (as specified in [MS-NLMP]), Authentication Protocol Domain Support (as specified in [MS-APDS]), Net Logon Remote Protocol (as specified in [MS-NRPC]), and Transport Layer Security (TLS) Profile (as specified in [MS-TLSP]). These extensions use the security protocols, using the protocol primitives as specified in [RFC2743].

The ExtendedError Remote Data Structure specified in [MS-EERR] is built on top of these extensions and provides extended error information to an RPC client.

Name services as described in [C706] are specified in [MS-RPCL] (this is a legacy protocol that has been deprecated).

The Remote Procedure Call over HTTP Protocol as specified in [MS-RPCH] is built below these extensions and enables the DCE 1.1: RPC Specification, as specified in [C706], with these extensions to be routed over an HTTP transport in a way that is friendly to firewalls and provides additional security. Details on the Remote Procedure Call over HTTP Protocol are as specified in [MS-RPCH] and are not part of this document.

These extensions define mapping of the DCE 1.1: RPC Specification over Server Message Block (SMB), TCP, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX), Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), NetBIOS over IPX, NetBIOS over TCP, NetBIOS over NetBEUI, and AppleTalk as RPC transports.

The following diagram illustrates the layering of these extensions over various RPC transports.

RPC extensions transports

Figure 1: RPC extensions transports

 Protocols that require a secure request-reply message exchange can use an implementation of these extensions. Examples of protocols that use an implementation of these extensions include the Directory Services Setup Remote Protocol (specified in [MS-DSSP]), Distributed Link Tracking: Central Manager Protocol (specified in [MS-DLTM]), and Print System Asynchronous Notification Protocol (specified in [MS-PAN]).