I_nsi_ping_locator (Opnum 4)

The I_nsi_ping_locator method is invoked by the client to determine if the target computer is available as a master locator. The MIDL syntax of the method is specified as follows.

 void I_nsi_ping_locator(
   [in] handle_t hLocatortoPing,
   [out] error_status_t* status

hLocatortoPing: An RPC primitive binding handle, as specified in [C706] Part 2, "Binding Handle". A client creates this handle by binding to the locator server using a UUID specified in section 1.9 and an endpoint specified in section 2.1 using the rpc_string_binding_compose and rpc_binding_from_string_binding APIs [C706] or equivalent on the client systems implementation of RPC.

status: A 32-bit value that indicates the results of the method call. In case of success, the value will contain NSI_S_OK, or a nonzero value on failure. All failures MUST be treated identically as a failure of the pinging process initiated by this method, and the target computer SHOULD be treated as unavailable as a master locator.<10>

Return Values: This method does not return any values.

Exceptions Thrown

No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying RPC protocol, as specified in [MS-RPCE].