The NTMS_OPREQUESTINFORMATIONW structure describes the properties of an operator request, in Unicode.

   DWORD Request;
   SYSTEMTIME Submitted;
   DWORD State;
   [string] wchar_t szMessage[256];
   DWORD Arg1Type;
   NTMS_GUID Arg1;
   DWORD Arg2Type;
   NTMS_GUID Arg2;
   [string] wchar_t szApplication[64];
   [string] wchar_t szUser[64];
   [string] wchar_t szComputer[64];

Request: A value from the NtmsOpreqCommand enumeration that specifies the type of the operator request.

Submitted: A SYSTEMTIME structure that specifies the time at which the request was submitted.

State: A value from the NtmsOpreqState enumeration that specifies the state of the operator request.

szMessage: A null-terminated operator message text.

Arg1Type: A value from the NtmsObjectsTypes enumeration that specifies the type of object in Arg1.

Arg1: This parameter MUST be set based on the value of Request.

If Request = NTMS_OPREQ_NEWMEDIA (0x00000001), Arg1 MUST be set to the identifier of the media pool requiring new media.

If Request = NTMS_OPREQ_CLEANER (0x00000002), Arg1 MUST be set to the identifier of the library requiring the cleaner cartridge.

If Request = NTMS_OPREQ_DEVICESERVICE (0x00000003), Arg1 MUST be set to the identifier of the device requiring service.

If Request = NTMS_OPREQ_MOVEMEDIA (0x00000004), Arg1 MUST be set to the identifier of the physical medium to move.

Arg2Type: A value from the NtmsObjectsTypes enumeration that specifies the type of object in Arg2.

Arg2: This parameter MUST be set based on the value of Request.

If Request = NTMS_OPREQ_NEWMEDIA (0x00000001), Arg2 MAY be set to the identifier of the library in which the new media MUST be placed.

If Request = NTMS_OPREQ_MOVEMEDIA (0x00000004), Arg2 MUST be set to the identifier of the library to which the physical medium MUST be moved.

szApplication: A null-terminated sequence of Unicode characters that specifies the name of the application that submitted the operator request.

szUser: A null-terminated sequence of Unicode characters that specifies the name of the interactive user who submitted the operator request.

szComputer: A null-terminated sequence of Unicode characters that specifies the name of the computer that submitted the operator request.