The NTMS_DRIVEINFORMATIONA structure describes the properties of a drive object, as a sequence of ASCII characters.

   DWORD Number;
   DWORD State;
   NTMS_GUID DriveType;
   char szDeviceName[64];
   char szSerialNumber[32];
   char szRevision[32];
   unsigned short ScsiPort;
   unsigned short ScsiBus;
   unsigned short ScsiTarget;
   unsigned short ScsiLun;
   DWORD dwMountCount;
   SYSTEMTIME LastCleanedTs;
   NTMS_GUID SavedPartitionId;
   NTMS_GUID Library;
   GUID Reserved;
   DWORD dwDeferDismountDelay;

Number: The number of the drive in the library. Some changers assign the number 0 to the first of their drives; other changers number the first drive 1.

State: A value from the NtmsDriveState enumeration specifying the state of the drive.

DriveType: The identifier of the type object for the drive.

szDeviceName: A null-terminated sequence of ASCII characters specifying the name of the device path to access the drive.

szSerialNumber: The null-terminated serial number of the drive.

szRevision: A null-terminated sequence of ASCII characters specifying the revision of the drive.

ScsiPort: The SCSI [ANSI-131-1994] host adapter to which the drive is connected.

ScsiBus: The SCSI bus to which the drive is connected.

ScsiTarget: The SCSI target identifier of the drive.

ScsiLun: The SCSI logical unit identifier of the drive.

dwMountCount: The number of times the drive has had media mounted in it. If the drive supports the reporting of a unique serial number, this value MUST be the number of times the drive has been mounted since RSM began managing this drive. If the drive does not support unique serial numbers, this member MUST indicate the number of mounts to all the drives at that mount location.

LastCleanedTs: A SYSTEMTIME structure that specifies the last time the drive was cleaned.

SavedPartitionId: The partition identifier of the medium in the drive. If this value is NULL and the drive is marked as full, the medium was loaded by a user, and it MUST be identified and given a partition identifier.

Library: The identifier of the library that contains the drive.

Reserved: This parameter is unused. It MUST be 0 and MUST be ignored on receipt.

dwDeferDismountDelay: Minimum number of seconds that media will remain in the drive of an online library after a deferred dismount is performed; the default is 5 minutes. This member does not apply to stand-alone libraries.